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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy

Key information

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an amount of money the government allocates to each school, to support all pupils to reach their potential. It is particularly aimed at pupils coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, who may also be in receipt of free school meals, in care or children who have a parent in the armed forces. In 2012 the government extended this to include all children who have ever been eligible to receive free school meals (ever 6).

We recognise that not all children who are in receipt of FSM are disadvantaged, and that not all children who classified as socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for Free School Meals. We reserve the right to allocate pupil premium funding to any pupil or group of pupils that the school has identified as socially disadvantaged or vulnerable to underachievement.

We regularly review our provision for all children, ensuring that funding supports any child that may be vulnerable, thus striving to ‘close the gap’ in attainment and ensure all children make good progress from their starting points.

To see if you are eligible please click the link shown: https://fiso.norfolk.gov.uk/synergy/Enquiries/Citizen/FreeSchoolMeals.aspx/

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25

Pupil Premium Statement 2024 (2024-27)

PE Sports Premium

The purpose of the PE and sport premium grant is for schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

PE Sports Premium 2023

PE Sports Premium 2024

School Performance Tables