
Science Curriculum Statement


At Scole CE VC Primary School, we recognise the importance of children having knowledge of and understanding the world around them. We recognise the importance of science in everyday life.

Our science teaching and learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding, as well as the development of skills associated with science, such as enquiry through observations, simple tests and investigations and using secondary sources.

At Scole CE VC Primary School, in conjunction with the aims of the National Curriculum, our science teaching gives children opportunities to:

  • develop scientific knowledge and understanding through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
  • develop scientific enquiry skills to enable them to deepen their scientific understanding
  • develop an understanding of the processes and methods of science through a range of enquiries that will enable them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • develop a respect for the world around them
  • equip themselves with the scientific knowledge that they will need in order to understand the uses of science, both now and in the future


The National Curriculum provides a structure and skill development for the teaching of science across the school. Where possible, science teaching and learning is linked to other areas of the curriculum.

Children have weekly science lessons across key stage 1 and key stage 2 using a variety of programmes of study and resources. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children’s science teaching comes from the opportunities that they have to learn about the world around them as the children learn through play.

We endeavour to ensure that our science curriculum gives children the confidence and motivation to continue their scientific learning as they progress through each stage of education.



At Scole CE VC Primary School, we create a positive attitude towards science teaching and learning, with the expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards. Our teaching and learning of science involves the following:

  • Science is taught in planned blocks by the class teacher. This enables the achievement of a greater depth of knowledge.
  • Scientific learning and skill development is built upon across year groups and key stages. Teachers understand their children’s prior learning and use this knowledge to revisit and expand upon previous learning.
  • Opportunities are given for children to explore and find out about areas of science themselves. Problem solving, investigations and observations are an integral part of lessons, encouraging children to ask questions and to use their scientific skills to research and discover answers.
  • Teachers demonstrate how to use scientific equipment. Teachers provide opportunities to take scientific learning out of the classroom whenever possible.
  • Children are introduced to, and expected to use, the scientific terminology and vocabulary. Terminology and vocabulary is developed year on year in order to increase children’s understanding.



Our approach to science equips children with the foundations for understanding the world around them. Children understand that science has changed lives and that it will continue to do so in the future. We enable children to see that science is accessible to everyone and to understand the role that it may play in their futures, including links to possible future career paths.




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