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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy



The fundamental aim of our science curriculum is that, through learning a body of knowledge relating to key concepts alongside learning about the practices of science, pupils will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to understand the uses, limitations, and implications of science, today and in the future. Pupils are entitled to understand how science works in their own lives and in the lives of others. Understanding science will support pupils in developing positive attitudes towards the discipline with the aim that pupils are motivated to study science further. Science matters in the world and therefore pupils have the right to be scientifically literate.

In science we encourage our children to be intrigued by life’s mysteries and demonstrate curiosity and open mindedness when exploring life’s big questions. 


The Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum builds on the National Curriculum framework for Early Years Foundation Stage, especially the area of learning and development ‘Understanding the World’.  Across units of work and year groups, during weekly science lessons, pupils will gain knowledge of the scientific concept first, before deepening it through ‘working scientifically’. The different types of scientific enquiry have been incorporated across the units and, as a result, pupils encounter opportunities to take part in observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing, and researching using secondary sources.


Each lesson, pupils reinforce their understanding through low-stakes testing in the form of a knowledge quiz. This supports the transfer of knowledge from short term to long term memory as well as informing the teacher if there are knowledge gaps which need addressing. At the end of each unit, pupils are assessed against their scientific knowledge and their ability to ‘work scientifically’. Each unit builds on previous learning and prepares pupils for the next stage in their journey to becoming a scientist.