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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy



The fundamental aim of our PSHE curriculum is to prepare every young person for life’s opportunities and challenges. We encourage every pupil to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an ever changing and sometimes challenging world. In creating a solid foundation, pupils make more informed choices when faced with critical issues such as friendships, emotional wellbeing, responsibilities and changes. Pupils with a more balanced health and wellbeing, can help to support greater successes in other academic subjects. PSHE is visible in all aspects of our world. Pupils have the right to be fully equipped with the tools they need to navigate all emotional relationships and lifestyles they will encounter.

We encourage our children to develop an understanding of the needs and feelings of others and how we can react and respond. We inspire our children to grow into confident and resilient individuals whilst developing a strong sense of community.


PSHE is divided into 3 areas

Health and Wellbeing

*Healthy lifestyles

*Growing and changing

*Keeping safe

*Internet safety


*Feelings and emotions

*Healthy relationships

*Valuing difference

Living In The Wider World

*Rights and responsibilities




These three areas are revisited in each year group. This allows us to create a planning spiral: the children will deepen their understanding and associated vocabulary as they revisit each area throughout their primary school journey.