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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy



We Are Currently Reading:



Teaching staff


Mrs Harrison                  


Mrs Turner-Clay 

Home Learning

Reception and Year 1 children will bring home weekly phonics home learning sheets. Please try to practice the sounds and tricky words as frequently as you are able.

Year 2 will bring spelling lists and practice sheets, again please support your child to practice as often as possible. 

All children will bring a reading book home each week. Please record each read in the reading journal. It is a useful way to share your child's reading with staff and, of course, each read is logged and counts towards one of our super reading leaves. 


PE days are Wednesday and Friday. We are lucky to be able to offer our children a termly forest school session. This will be our Wednesday PE session and when it is Apollo Class's turn, we will notify you well in advance. 


Children need to come in to school wearing their kit. Please make sure they have suitable clothes for the weather as the majority of PE will take place outside. 


What we are learning

Watch this space for updates on learning in Apollo Class.

This term, Apollo class have enjoyed a variety of fiction and non-fiction books. Our Reception children began the term with a focus on 'Going on a Bear hunt'. They had lots of fun and used wonderful positional language when finding new homes for the bears.

During the second half term, whilst Year 1 and 2 learned about the history of toys in their topic time, Reception were busy reading 'Mrs Armitage's Bicycle'. Everyone decided what they would like to see added to a bicycle, we made some amazing models of our new bike parts.

Year 1 and 2 have read creation stories from around the world before writing their own exciting stories. Later, the children enjoyed writing their own response to Handa's surprise. We are currently producing some exciting reports about animal habitats. Everyone has shared in learning about animals this term. We thought about their habitats and even micro habitats. We all had a great time finding worms and making wormerys, some people even named their worms and were excited to take them home and share their learning with their families. 

Phew, It has been a busy term, and I haven't even mentioned helping Samuel Pepys to find his cheese, yet! 

Spring Curriculum 

Apollo Class General Timetable


Water bottles, containing water only, are to be sent into school each day.

Please ensure that your child brings a waterproof coat each day.

It would be most appreciated if you could label all of your child's belongings. 

Your children will be offered fruit and vegetables each day. If you choose to send in a snack, please could you check that these are healthy snacks. 

Contact us

 If you have any questions regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to speak with you at drop off or collection time, or if you would rather, contact the school office and our office staff will help you to arrange a time to pop in and chat.